MD-PhD Navigator Program
Harvard Medical School students committed to pursuing PhD training may join the MD-PhD Program after MD matriculation.
There are two possible entry-points:
- July Prior to Start of M1 Year: Students who were interviewed by our MD-PhD Program but did not receive an MD-PhD Program offer are invited to participate in our Orientation and Summer Course, and are invited to attend the MD-PhD Program's Retreat in the fall of their M1 year.
- Spring of Academic Year: All other MD students interested in joining the MD-PhD Program will benefit from the MD-PhD Navigator Program. These students may participate fully in MD-PhD Program activities beginning in the spring of their M1 year.
From the designated entry points, all students participate fully in all MD-PhD program events and activities. Although joining the program after matriculating as an MD student does not come with a guarantee of full funding, students will be eligible for maximum funding available for M3 and M4 years. In recent years, we have been able to fully fund all our students for years three and four of medical school irrespective of when they achieved acceptance to a Harvard or MIT graduate program and joined our MD-PhD community.
Of note, joining the MD-PhD Program after matriculation at HMS does not guarantee acceptance to a PhD program; therefore, these students become "official" members of the MD-PhD Program once they gain acceptance into a Harvard or MIT graduate program. The individual PhD programs provide full funding for all accepted graduate students.
Current Harvard Medical School MD students can express interest in participating in the MD-PhD Navigator Program by emailing us at